0866-2440806 , 8977594747

Turbinates are tiny structures inside of your nose. They cleanse, heat and humidify air as it passes through your nasal cavity.

Turbinates can become inflamed and swollen as a result of irritation, allergies or infection. Most of the time, this inflammation is temporary. But some people can develop chronic swelling of their turbinates (hypertrophy) causing chronic nasal congestion.

EVALUATION – Nasal Examination , Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy Management

Medical management to treat the underlying cause – infection, allergy. It includes oral medications, nasal spray – effective drug absorption.

Surgical management - Turbinate reduction improves airflow in people with chronic nasal obstruction. It reduces the size of turbinates by removing excess tissue. Turbinate reduction is usually recommended if nonsurgical treatments don’t solve the issue.

Several techniques, including:

Several techniques, including:

Radiofrequency turbinate reduction
Microdebrider submucosal resection
Partial resection. This procedure involves removing a small piece of your turbinate. Unlike the methods outlined above, partial resection removes both soft and hard tissue.