Best ENT Hospital Vijaywada - Sagar Ent Hospital Kovelamudivari Street, New Giri Puram, Suryaraopeta, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
0866-2440806 , 8977594747

Do you snore at night?

Do you sleep early at night but you still wake up exhausted?

These are the signs to get evaluated for sleep apnoea It is very important to receive a prompt treatment as soon as possible

Types of sleep apnoea:

- Central sleep apnoea

- Obstructive sleep apnoea

- Mixed sleep apnoea

Why do people have sleep apnoea?

- Obesity

- Smoking

- Nasal congestion

- Family history

- hypothyroidism

Common signs of sleep apnea include loud snoring, abrupt awakenings with a choking or gasping sound, excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty staying asleep, and morning headaches.

Not only does this affect your quality of sleep, but it can also lead to dangerous health problems due to lack of oxygen.

The only way to know for sure, though, is to have a sleep study.

Sleep study allows to observe your breathing while youre sleeping to see if its abnormal.

If you suspect sleep apnea, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

How do we treat it????

OSA can be treated preliminarily by life style changes, like losing weight or sleeping on one side.

-CPAP machine is the most common conservative method used apart from lifestyle modifications while helps provide positive pressure with the help of a face mask .

Multi level surgery

Occasionally , medical management and CPAP might not reduce the symptoms of sleep apnoea mandating the need for surgical management

Various surgical procedures are done to relieve the obstruction caused at multiple levels

- coblation adenoidectomy

- zeta palatopharyngoplasty

- barb pharyngoplasty

- tongue base reduction surgery

all the surgical procedures are done using latest equipments and gadgets radiofrequency ablation , coblation