0866-2440806 , 8977594747

"Otorrhea" is the medical word for ear drainage. It can happen as a result of trauma or an ear infection. Sometimes, otorrhea indicates a more serious condition.


Common otorrhea causes include:

Ruptured eardrum.
Middle ear infections
Outer ear infections
fungal / yeast infections of ear canal.
Unknown object stuck in your ear.
An abnormal growth behind your eardrum (cholesteatoma).
Fracture at the base of your skull.
Cancer of your ear canal.
Malignant otitis extra (a severe infection of your external auditory canal and skull base).

Other symptoms with ear discharge

Common otorrhea causes include:

Ear itch
Ringing in the ear
Hearing loss
Vertigo / Dizziness


We will perform a physical examination, which generally includes:

Checking your vital signs.
Inspecting ear canal to check for drainage, clearing the secretions.
Examining the skin around ear for redness and inflammation.

Tests to diagnose

Physical Examination
Swab / sample the drainage and see if any bacteria or fungi grow from it.
Otoendoscopy – Video-Endoscopic examination of Ear
Audiometry – evaluation to see for related hearing loss
CT scan – imaging of ear and related skull bones


Medical management – ear drops , and oral medication to treat infection

Surgical management – in cases like ear drum perforation, traumatic injury