9502480806 , 08662440806

thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck
Most growths of thyroid are thyroid nodules and are not cancerous, but may cause symptoms and still need to be treated or removed.

Symptoms may be like - A lump in the neck, Difficulty swallowing , Hoarseness or other voice change, Pain in the neck or ears, chronic cough Evaluation - tests used to help diagnose

Laryngoscopy - This procedure using a thin, flexible, lighted tube to assess the function of the vocal cords, view other areas in the throat.

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Biopsy or fine needle aspiration - A small sample of the tumor will be taken from swelling in the neck with a needle

Imaging – ultrasound, CT SCAN , CECT , MRI as required based on the type of growth

Treatment - Thyroid growth may need to be removed surgically, or they may just need to be monitored for growth or changes. Your treatment plan will depend on your age, overall health, and the type and stage of your thyroid growth.

Surgery is the primary treatment for the vast majority of thyroid growths. Our surgeons will remove part or all of the thyroid gland to get rid of the growth as needed.

Thyroid surgery and thyroid cancer surgery can frequently be minimally invasive. minimally invasive means more than just making the scars - less noticeable and camouflaging incisions. It means helping patients heal faster so they can get back to their daily routines sooner.

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Thyroid cancer

Surgery is the most common first treatment and most effective known treatment for most thyroid cancers (except thyroid lymphoma and anaplastic thyroid cancers)
By choosing the right thyroid surgeon and the correct thyroid cancer surgery, you are cured
Thyroid cancer surgery must be considered in two different areas when you think about the neck.

Surgery of the thyroid gland itself.
Surgery for the lymph nodes of the neck.
We will talk to you about what surgical option might be best in your case.

Depending on type and stage of your cancer, treatment may include: Radioactive Iodine Treatment


Parathyroid glands are four tiny structures, each about the size of a grain of rice, located behind the thyroid in the neck.

These glands make parathyroid hormone. That hormone helps keep the right balance of calcium in the body. Too much or too little calcium can cause significant problems

Sometimes , one or more of your parathyroid glands ( adenoma ) makes too much parathyroid hormone leading too much calcium in your blood. That can lead to a number of problems, including weak bones, kidney stones, fatigue, memory problems, muscle and bone pain, excessive urination and stomach pain, among others.

Surgery is most often used to treat this condition. Pre-operatively imaging might be needed. Surgery is usually done under total anaesthesia.

surgical approaches that can be used for parathyroidectomy – minimal invasive surgery or bilateral neck exploration depending on the disease.